
Welcome to The Specialist FX. In this page you will find all the products of Resolume: VJ-ing and audiovisual software.

The Specialist FX has selected Resolume as a top brand specialised in offering high-tech products in the professional video sector.

Resolume is a live VJ and audiovisual performance tool, used worldwide to deliver high-quality performances, from club VJ-ing to cutting-edge AV shows and stadium concerts. In the intention of its founders, Resolume was born because they wanted VJs: but done better! In 1998, VJ-ing, i.e. the art of mixing live video streams in sync with music, was done with VHS tapes and a video mixer, so it was hard to quickly improvise video to music track because time couldn't be adjusted or even reversed. The effects were limited. We then realized that innovative software would allow us to improvise more and better, so Resolume started developing its own and has been continuing in this line since 2002.

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Welcome to The Specialist FX. In this page you will find all the products of Resolume: VJ-ing and audiovisual software.

The Specialist FX has selected Resolume as a top brand specialised in offering high-tech products in the professional video sector.

Resolume is a live VJ and audiovisual performance tool, used worldwide to deliver high-quality performances, from club VJ-ing to cutting-edge AV shows and stadium concerts. In the intention of its founders, Resolume was born because they wanted VJs: but done better! In 1998, VJ-ing, i.e. the art of mixing live video streams in sync with music, was done with VHS tapes and a video mixer, so it was hard to quickly improvise video to music track because time couldn't be adjusted or even reversed. The effects were limited. We then realized that innovative software would allow us to improvise more and better, so Resolume started developing its own and has been continuing in this line since 2002.

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